Respect • Understanding • Exchange: The bright vision of China-US Gen Z |
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Respect • Understanding • Exchange: The bright vision of China-US Gen Z

facebook twitter linkedin | Updated: Dec 26, 2024

The ties between China and the US are intricate and deeply intertwined. This episode of Not Only About Us focuses on the much-discussed topic of "China-US relations." On the vibrant stage of this debate and exchange event, Gen Z youth sparked intellectual collisions and shared their perspectives grounded in personal experiences.

Regan Slattery from the US reflected on the importance of education, suggesting that the US should educate the public to better understand China and ensure the news does not mislead US citizens. Adrian Mak from Hong Kong, China, approached the issue from his professional background, asserting that the biggest obstacle between the two nations lies in reaching consensus on solutions to international conflicts. He emphasized that China and the US must learn to collaborate and achieve mutual success as if on the same boat. Meanwhile, Huang Boling, from China, expressed hope for both nations to break stereotypes and foster mutual understanding through more cultural exchange programs.

At the Bridging Futures: China-US Youth Debate and Exchange, young participants used their personal experiences as ink to write touching stories of breaking barriers and connecting hearts, turning every dialogue into a bridge of friendship between China and the US.