Rosemond Manguiliwe Palouki: Doing international business in China is promising |
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Rosemond Manguiliwe Palouki: Doing international business in China is promising

facebook twitter linkedin | Updated: Jun 26, 2024
Photo of Rosemond Manguiliwe Palouki [Provided to]

Originally from Togo, Rosemond Manguiliwe Palouki currently works at Xiaomi Mobile Software Co Ltd, a prominent technology company in China.

His journey began with the decision to pursue higher education at the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) in Beijing, where he earned his master's degree in Economics.

“My decision to study abroad was motivated by a desire to experience diverse education in the world,” Palouki said.

Since arriving in China in 2013, he has participated in the Chinese Bridge Competition and appeared as a guest on China Central Television (CCTV), deepening his understanding of China.

Following his master's degree graduation from UIBE in 2019, he began his career at Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co Ltd. Two years later, he joined Beijing Xiaomi Mobile Software Co Ltd in its International Department. In addition, he was also the Chief Communications Officer (CCO) of an education company in Tianjin.

The following is our interview with Palouki:

Q: What motivated you to pursue a career in China after graduating from UIBE?

A: I was drawn to China's dynamic business environment and its rapid global integration. I was impressed by China's innovative approaches to international business, and was inspired to contribute to its global outreach efforts.

Q: How do you view the evolution of your industry within China's dynamic market?

A: China's continuous innovation in digital technologies and its expanding global influence offer exciting opportunities. There's a rising demand for professionals with international market expertise and cultural fluency as companies increasingly expand beyond borders.

Q: What skills did you find most crucial during your study abroad journey, and how did you develop them?

A: Clarity of purpose and adaptability were key skills I honed during my studies abroad. Understanding why I chose to study abroad helped me set clear goals and effectively leverage the university's resources. Engaging with peers from diverse backgrounds taught me openness and effective communication across cultures.

Q: What were the main challenges you faced transitioning from academia to corporate life in China?

A: Initially, language proficiency and navigating cultural nuances posed significant challenges. However, through continuous learning and adapting to local business practices, I successfully integrated into the competitive business landscape here.

Q: How do you view the connection among the alumni?

A: I believe in the Chinese saying “more friends, more options”. With an open mind and respect for cultural differences, international alumni can better support and cooperate with each other.