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East Timorese student promotes peace in Nanjing as volunteer

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english.jsjyt.edu.cn | Updated: May 13, 2024

[Video/Yangtze Evening News]

Isac, an architecture major from East Timor, came to Southeast University in Nanjing in 2015 with a passion for his studies. However, his journey took on new meaning when he joined Purple Grass, a volunteer service team at the Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders.

The team was established in 1994 with 60 college students, initially focusing on guiding visitors through the memorial hall. 30 years later, Purple Grass now offers a wide range of services including medical support for survivors.

Isac has been a Purple Grass volunteer for six years. He recounts how he became inspired to join after hearing the story of Robert Wilson, a surgeon who stayed in Nanjing during the massacre to save civilian lives. "I was deeply moved," Isac said. "That's when I decided to join Purple Grass."

Recently, he was invited by students from Nanjing Mochou Vocational School's intangible cultural heritage program to help design woodblock prints, which were then presented to the memorial hall as gifts.

"This is my ninth year in Nanjing. Though my contributions may be small, I hope my efforts will help serve more people, bring more awareness to the history of the Nanjing Massacre, and encourage everyone to cherish the peace we have today." In addition to volunteering at the memorial hall, Isac uses his social media accounts to share stories about the massacre.