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UIBE intl students shine at a dialogue event with Chinese diplomats

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Updated: Mar 15, 2024

The Department of Consular Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted an exchange event titled "My Perspective on China and the World — Dialogue with Chinese Diplomats" at Peking University on March 6.

Twelve diplomats from the department engaged in insightful discussions with representatives of overseas students from 17 universities in Beijing. The event saw the active participation of 10 international student representatives from the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE).

The event was graced by the presence of Wu Demin, deputy director-general of the Department of Consular Affairs, and Fang Fang, vice-president of Peking University, who delivered thought-provoking speeches.

Diplomats and international student representatives pose for a photo during the "My Perspective on China and the World — Dialogue with Chinese Diplomats" event hosted by the Department of Consular Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Peking University on March 6.
Diplomats and international student representatives pose for a photo during the "My Perspective on China and the World — Dialogue with Chinese Diplomats" event hosted by the Department of Consular Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Peking University on March 6.

During the dialogue and exchange session, Oniya Oluwaseyi Christopher, a UIBE international student representative from the United States, participated in the discussion. Christopher expressed his curiosity about the Chinese government's policies regarding the employment and entrepreneurship of foreign students in China. In response, the diplomats highlighted China's commitment to valuing and welcoming international students' entrepreneurial endeavors and employment in the country. They emphasized the provision of fair and just opportunities, with policies implemented in visa processing and entrepreneurial support services. The diplomats encouraged international students to maximize their learning opportunities in China, leverage their strengths, and contribute to the construction of a global community with a shared future for humanity.

A foreign student delivers a speech during the event.

In the closing session, diplomats and student representatives engaged in compelling speeches and dialogues on topics such as Chinese modernization and building a community with a shared future for mankind. The atmosphere was vibrant, speeches were dynamic and engaging, and the dialogues were open and profound. This event significantly deepened international students' understanding of China, fostered greater exchange and friendship between Chinese and foreign youths, and garnered widespread praise from the international community.