Expat explains meaning of 'Benevolence' | studychina.chinadaily.com.cn
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Expat explains meaning of 'Benevolence'

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chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: Oct 19, 2023

Douglas Dueno, a passionate scholar from the United States, is taking audiences on a unique journey to "transcend time and space." He endeavors to immerse himself into the world of ancient China, embodying its essence and philosophies. Central to his exploration is the profound concept of "ren" – Benevolence, as penned in The Analects by Confucius. This isn't merely a lecture; it's a riveting experience where East meets West, the past melds with the present, and wisdom shines through the ages. As we gather around Douglas, we find ourselves transported, eager to hear and absorb the timeless lessons he's unearthing. Join us on this enlightening voyage!